Boutique: A shop that is associated with few of a kind merchandise, generally of very new and extreme styles, with an imaginative presentation of goods.
Bridge: A price zone that bridges the gap between designer prices and better prices.
Bridge jewelry: Merchandise that ranges from costume to fine jewelry in price, materials, and the newness of styling.
Bundling: Assembling the cut pieces of collars, fronts, sleeves, backs, and each pattern into bundles according to their sizes. This is usually done by hand.
Buyer's directory: A list of the manufacturer's showrooms in a particular market. It is furnished to retailer buyers to assist them in working the market.
Buying, merchandising, and product development office:
One that is jointly owned and operate by a group of independently owned stores.
Syndicate/Corporate: One that is maintained by a parent of stores and which performs market work exclusively for those stores.
Private: One that is owned and operated by a single, out of town store organization, and which performs market work exclusively for that store organization.
Salaried, Fee, or Paid: One that is independently owned and operated and which charges the store it represent for the work it does.
Buying, merchandising, and product development office:
One that is jointly owned and operate by a group of independently owned stores.
Syndicate/Corporate: One that is maintained by a parent of stores and which performs market work exclusively for those stores.
Private: One that is owned and operated by a single, out of town store organization, and which performs market work exclusively for that store organization.
Salaried, Fee, or Paid: One that is independently owned and operated and which charges the store it represent for the work it does.
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